• Formulas and tables. Statistical and econometric methods

We are presenting you with a study containing formulas and tables necessary for the application of quantitative methods in practice. The publication can be useful to students of various faculties of studies in such subjects as: descriptive statistics, mathematical statistics, econometrics, forecasting, representative method, demography, as well as to practitioners using quantitative methods in statistical data analysis. The authors have many years of experience in teaching quantitative subjects and the presented publication is a continuation of their work on didactic handbooks. It is a study in English, which according to the authors, will enable and facilitate quantitative analysis for foreign students studying in English-speaking subjects and using scientific literature and writing papers in English.

Podtytuł Formulas and tables. Statistical and econometric methods
Autor Iwona Bąk, Iwona Markowicz, Magdalena Mojsiewicz, Katarzyna Wawrzyniak
Rok wydania 2021
Oprawa Miękka
Format 210x297
Stron 62
40.00 30.00
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ISBN 978-83-8102-523-2

We are presenting you with a study containing formulas and tables necessary for the application of quantitative methods in practice. The publication can be useful to students of various faculties of studies in such subjects as: descriptive statistics, mathematical statistics, econometrics, forecasting, representative method, demography, as well as to practitioners using quantitative methods in statistical data analysis.
The authors have many years of experience in teaching quantitative subjects and the presented publication is a continuation of their work on didactic handbooks. It is a study in English, which according to the authors, will enable and facilitate quantitative analysis for foreign students studying in English-speaking subjects and using scientific literature and writing papers in English.

Prezentujemy Państwu opracowanie zawierające wzory i tablice niezbędne do stosowania metod ilościowych w praktyce. Publikacja może być przydatna zarówno studentom różnych kierunków studiów w ramach przedmiotów takich jak: statystyka opisowa, statystyka matematyczna, ekonometria, prognozowanie, metoda reprezentacyjna, demografia, jak i praktykom wykorzystującym metody ilościowe w analizie danych statystycznych.
Autorki mają długoletnie doświadczenie w prowadzeniu zajęć z przedmiotów ilościowych, a prezentowana publikacja jest kontynuacją ich prac nad pomocami dydaktycznymi. Jest to opracowanie w języku angielskim, które zdaniem autorek, umożliwi i ułatwi prowadzenie analiz ilościowych studentom zagranicznym, studiującym na kierunkach angielskojęzycznych oraz wykorzystującym literaturę naukową i piszącym prace w języku angielskim.

Preface 7

1. Data 9
2. Structure Analysis 10
3. Interdependence Analysis 12
3.1. Correlation Analysis 12
3.2. Regression Analysis 13
4. Dynamics Analysis 13
4.1. Increments and Indices 13
4.2. Trends and Seasonality 15

1. Probability Calculus 17
2. Statistical Inference in Structure Analysis 19
2.1. Point and Interval Estimation 19
2.2. Parametric and Non-Parametric Verification 20
3. Statistical Inference in Correlation Analysis 22
3.1. Point and Interval Estimation 22
3.2. Parametric and Non-Parametric Verification 23
4. Statistical Inference in Dynamic Analysis 25
4.1. Point and Interval Estimation 25
4.2. Parametric and Non-Parametric Verification 26

1. Selected Econometry Problems 27
2. Selected Forecasting Problems 28

1. Basic Parameters 30
2. Characteristics of the Sample 30
3. Parameter Estimation in Elementary Random Sampling Schemes 31

1. Normalization Transformation of Diagnostic Features Basic Parameters 34
2. Taxonomic Measures of Development (TMD) 34

Table 1. The Standard Normal Density Function 36
Table 2. The Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution Function 37
Table 3. Quantiles of the Student's t Distribution 39
Table 4. Quantiles of the Chi-Square Distribution 40
Table 5. Quantiles of the Fisher-Snedecor Distribution (α = 0.01) 41
Table 6. Quantiles of the Fisher-Snedecor Distribution (α = 0.05) 43
Table 7. Conditional Distribution of the Number of Series 45
Table 8. Unconditional Distribution of the Number of Series 47
Table 9. λ Kolmogorov Distribution 51
Table 10. Coefficients an,i for the W Statistic (the Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality) 52
Table 11. Critical Values for the Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality 55
Table 12. Critical Values (dL i dU) for the Durbin-Watson Test (α = 0.01) 57
Table 13. Critical Values (dL i dU) for the Durbin-Watson Test (α = 0.05) 58
Table 14. Random Numbers 59

References 61

Reviewer: dr hab. Grażyna Dehnel, prof. UEP, Poznań University of Economics and Business

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